Saturday, December 6, 2008

Scenes from a wintery day

The annual Christmas Party for the children of Woodstock General Hospital staff was held this weekend. Steve Van Winden who works at WGH, but also owns Singing Brook Farm with his family, brought along two of his Belgian Show horses and the wagon to take the children and parents for short rides around the neighbourhood.

My friend and co-worker Maureen and her grandaughters, Hope and Logan, shivering as they wait their turn to ride in the wagon.It was a cold, windy, snowy day - perfect weather for the rides.
This little girl was quite taken with the beautiful party guests.


  1. That picture of the girl petting the horses nose is gorgeous. It could be a Christmas card.

  2. It looks so postcard Christmasy. I'd love to have a white Christmas one day.

    The photo you asked about is of the window of David Jones, one of Sydney's major department stores. They decorate their windows using a different theme each Christmas. This year is nowhere near their best.

  3. Such beautiful animals - gentle and patient!!! The last photo is glorious with the snow swirling!!!!

  4. Absolutely fantastic I havent been on a wagon ride for years. What a great day for it .We have just come in from riding round looking at Christmas lights with our Grandson he is is two and a half and so excieted he would love for it to snow all he wants to do is have a snowball. Love the last photo of the horses .......Tell Maureen she needs to put a hat on as well as her children. XX Don

  5. Oh wow...Now that must have been a lot of fun for everyone and you even got some snow..wonderfully festive

  6. Looks fantastic, perfectly Christmassy! Pity we don't get snow here. None worth mentioning anyway.
