Thursday, March 22, 2012

Friday My Town Shoot Out - Steeples and Spires

The assignment for this week's shoot out is -
Steeples, Spires and Weathervanes:  looking up in your town, find some interesting 'tops' to share

The first steeple I've chosen is the one at Old St. Paul's Anglican Church.  The first service was held in the church on June 29, 1834 with a congregation of eleven.  The cemetery holds the graves of many of the first settlers of the city.

This steeple is on the Holy Dormition Ukranian Church and always makes me think it should be the setting for a murder mystery.
But I also took a photo of a naturally occurring spire recently.  At least, I think it looks like a spire reaching to the heavens.


  1. Is there a mistake? That top photo says it was taken in 2012. Are you sure it wasn't 1912? *giggle*

  2. @bccmee - I was aiming for the 15th century and hoping Sir Guy might show up! For shots 1 and 2 I played with some effects in Picasa. Shot 3 is pretty much how is was except a bit of cropping. Minor tinkering compared with the magic you work over at!

  3. Love that sunset shot, so awesome!

  4. Elaine-- I'm so passionate about steeples. I'm drawn to want to photograph them everywhere we travel. This old church has great character-- love the vintage looking picture.

    The sunset is absolutely magnificent.

    ( I photographed a great steeple also when we visited Grenada. Just put the photo on my blog last night--)


  5. Yes, nice photos and nice special effects. but I like the elegance of nature and the natural steeple. very nice.

  6. The first one is especially effective.

  7. Beautiful, I agree the first one is really nice.

  8. I agree also about the colour effects of the first shot but the natural spire is what took my breath away!

  9. Great to see you back after a short absence...unless, of course, I've just missed stuff which is always possible. The sun topping the cactus is a perfect natural top.

  10. Sorry to disappoint you, Mark - the "cactus" is actually an evergreen, probably a spruce. Still prickly though.

  11. The sun makes me think of a poster for old surfing movie called the Endless Summer. Got any waves you can catch? - Margy
