Sunday, October 4, 2009

Mystery solved!

Mike of the 10,000 Birds blog emailed me tonight to say he thinks our mystery bird might be a leucistic house sparrow. Leucism is a condition characterized by reduced pigmentation in animals and humans. Unlike albinism, it is caused by a reduction in all types of skin pigment, not just melanin. And, after checking out a couple of images on their website against these two that Geoff took of our's this afternoon, I think he's hit the nail on the head.

Here is our's chowing down midafternoon......

and ready to make a quick departure after snack time was over.


  1. How interesting. Good job, Mike.

    Blogging teaches us something new everyday, doesn't it?

    Thanks to both Elaine and Mike for our bird lesson.

  2. I have one hundred sparrows in my garden. now you have challenged me tosee if I have a special leucistic house sparrow.

  3. The resources available to us through the friendships we make by blogging, are amazing. Somewhere out there in the great blogging collective, is the answer to just about everything!

    Except how to take photographs as well as you do.

  4. I can't take credit on these two shots Barry - my better half, Geoff, is responsible this time. He's a freelance writer and photographer and uses a big, fancy camera. I've reached the point where I like the convenience of my little Canon SX100 which will fit in any of my purses/slingpacks and in most of my pockets.

  5. He looks quite handsome, almost like a snow bunting.

  6. Great capture! Birds can be so hard to photograph!

  7. Yes, it is the same condition that my starling has. I have never seen it in animals like dogs, cats, cows, horses and, I wonder why?
