Friday, February 20, 2009

Saturday PhotoHunt - Warm

I know, at a quick glance, it's difficult to see anything warm in or about this photo. But this Mourning Dove had warm or more specifically, warmth, in mind when it chose this spot on my kitchen window sill for a little sojurn.
Even though there was plenty of snow on the ground, the sun was shining on the spot and the dove stay there for over two hours tucked away, keeping warm.
Please visit PhotoHunt Saturday for more links to "warm" photos.


  1. Love those photos. The second one is adorable! That's a smart little bird!

  2. These are wonderful photos and that bird looks like he is feeling comfortable :)

    Happy weekend!

  3. One fluffed-up bird.

  4. Beautiful shots, I find them very warm!

  5. Not to mention the warmth coming from your kitchen I'm sure.

  6. Is he/she dreaming of nesting above your door or in your hanging basket again. Was Gray enjoying the view?

  7. No, Gray didn't get to enjoy the view as he was having one of his many naps.

  8. Thank you for stopping by my blog Elaine!

    Hard to believe it just sat there for over 2 hours. Anything to get warm I would say, at least until it's time to eat!
