Tuesday, February 17, 2009

ABC Wednesday - E is for eerie

Eerie was the first word that came to mind when I took this shot. I took it one morning when I was leaving for work - the fog that results from mild temperatures when there's snow on the ground makes for an interesting effect. Can you see the street, the trees and the hydro wires?

Learn more about ABC Wednesday here - many thanks to Denise for this great site!


  1. Oh, I remember thos skies. It happens a lot of us too when the weather gets a little warmer but is still cold at night.

    Great shot. I love how the colors are blurred by the fog.

  2. OH MY! I does indeed look eerie. Don't you hare driving when the fog is that thick?

    MY ABC Wednesday post is at
    More of Me - EG

  3. It is errie. Great shot with the street lights and fog.

  4. Oh what an interesting photo...it is sort of eerie...I posted a different kind of erie...

  5. it certainly does look eerie but I do love mornings like that too!! take care, Judith

  6. Our weather is all over the place this time of the year. We've had light snnow overnight but within the next hour it's supposed to turn to torrential rain. Endless surprises. Thanks for the kind comments everyone.

  7. Yep your right it is but it is strangly beautifull as well XXX Thanks Elaine

  8. It might be eerie, but it's also beautiful! Lovely colours!

  9. It sure does look errie. Well done. I've often driven through fog, some so thick you just haven't a clue where you are and can't really even see the road. You can't pull off and stop or you could get hit. It is very errie, and somewhat frightening even.

    Alice at I Was Born2Cree8

    ABC Wednesday

  10. this is a great snapshot, you really captured the mood
