Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday

Wordless no longer, I'm now adding words in response to a query by Judith. The bird pictured here is a Blue Jay or Cyanocitta cristata, Family: CORVIDAE. Judith mentioned that her friend sees reddish coloured jays at her feeder in England, these would be Jay - Garrulus glandarius - Family: Corvidae. So, they are from the same "family" but look very different from each other. Our North American Blue Jays are large and noisy but also incredibly beautiful.
This is the Jay familiar to the English countryside:

Here endth today's lesson.


  1. I bet he thinks he hit the jackpot!

  2. Great shot...is that poop or bird seed on the snow??? Happy WW:)

  3. Oh...love the jay..Are those seeds there for the birds?

  4. soo solemn... the bird is cute! lols!

  5. Rough time for little birds during winter ! A very cute picture !

  6. Yes, it's birdseed, not poop. And yes, it was there just for the birds. The jay was sitting on a flower box that used to be attached to the window sill. The flower box has been gone for a year or so - now I put a seed bell on the window sill.

  7. I did wonder what it was!! glad you clarified the situation haha One of my elderly parishioners loves feeding the birds and she gets Jays in her garden but they are more redish then the one you have shown. Judith
