Sunday, August 17, 2008

A Red Hat Anniversary

l-r Deborah, me, Marilyn and Inge - August 17, 2005 photo by Carole Tremblay

Three years ago today four friends celebrated the fact they were all turning 50.

Our connections have various origins - Deborah and I are cousins, Marilyn and Inge have been penpals since 1971, and Marilyn and I have been friends since Grade 8. The get-together at Paul and Marilyn's in Beresford, New Brunswick was Marilyn's brainchild. We were all born in 1955 with birthdays in May, July, August and November. So Deborah drove from Newfoundland, Inge flew from Germany and I flew from Ontario and we had a memorable, wonderful week together.

We chose Wednesday, August 17th as the day to celebrate our birthdays together. We had our portraits taken by Carole Tremblay, ate ice cream (only) for lunch, had a birthday tea party - with Deborah's Cherry Cake and loot bags and treats, a proper dinner out in the evening and a bonfire on the beach to end off the day. The day Deborah, Inge and I had arrived Marilyn presented each of us with our Red Hats, pins, scarves and books and we are now a virtual Red Hat Society. The 17th of each month we email each other to touch base.

When we parted at the end of the week we decided we'd meet again to celebrate our 60th birthdays. Since then, Inge wisely suggested that we shouldn't wait that long - why wait that long to have more fun. So, we're planning to get together in Newfoundland (thanks Deborah!) in 2010 to mark our 55th birthdays.

In the meantime, here are a few more photos to celebrate our friendship. Happy Anniversary girls!


  1. What about 45-year-old cousins? Could they crash the party for an hour or so?
