Sunday, May 22, 2011

This and that

Today we stopped at May Day festivities in Ingersoll so Geoff could take some photos for Here In Ingersoll - I took the opportunity to take a couple of shots myself.

Just across the street from the activites there were about half a dozen barn swallows flitting and swooping back and forth. Two of them stayed still on a wire for a couple of minutes - just long enough for a few snaps, this is one of the better ones.

One of the May Day demonstrations was sheep shearing - I think this one was happy to get rid of it's warm coat.

When we left Ingersoll we went to London for a movie and a few errands. By the time we headed hom it was 7pm and the light was lovely.

And finally, a drive-by shot of a deserted farm house.

1 comment:

  1. Elaine- you captured a perfect days activities and sights. Love the sheep shearing!! The drive by photo is also very beautiful. Your everyday images- are wonderful!!
