Thursday, June 10, 2010

Friday My Town Shoot Out - public art

The theme for this week's Friday Shoot Out is "public art". In choosing it, Barry said: Public Art is the way our various towns represent themselves to the outside world. By definition Public Art is artwork that is free, publicly displayed and tells the world something about us.

Our local Woodstock Art Gallery has a wonderful installation called "The Ancients" on the lawn of the gallery.

Normally there are three owls on the perch on the left but one has flown the coop to be repaired by the artist, Tom Benner.

This single one provided a convenient perch for this wee sparrow.

The Gallery will be moved to a new location within the next couple of years - a space right on our busy main street. A location without a lawn. I wonder what will become of The Ancients? Will they get to say where they are now? I hope they'll continue to be in a good public location.

Please take the time to look at the Shoot Out site for more takes on this week's theme.


  1. Oh, I love these! They look like scholar owls! Great shots!

  2. Beautiful and great shots!! Thanks for sharing!

    Public Art

  3. Great photos. I am inspired to take a walk around town to see what I can see. By the way, you know you meant puBlic and I know you meant puBlic but you might want to fix it anyway.

  4. Nice piece of artwork! I hope it will soon find another good location to be enjoyed by everyone!

  5. What a cool installation; I like this very much. Those owls, and then your photo of a little bird perched there: perfect.

  6. I wonder who commissioned the owls. In many cultures, owls are not very auspiscious birds.

  7. Thanks for the observation about my "pubic" typo. I've edited the post and after a good giggle at my own goof and getting ready to head to work and face the day - TGIF!

  8. Wonderful, Elaine. Too bad they will have to be moved.

  9. Very interesting public art work, and how nice of the bird to pose for the photo. Good timing! Nice ShootOut!

  10. They are quite imposing. I agree they look very scholarly. Hope they do end up where they can be appreciated.

  11. These are gorgeous. I'm sorry I missed your earlier goof! As do the others, I hope these find a home where they can continue to be appreciated. Great shoot-out post.

  12. Very cool and something quite unique. I love their building too!

  13. awesome building and love the sculptures. the last shot is so cute with the birdy butt!!

  14. You always amazed me with your beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing always whatever our photo theme, it's always amazing.

  15. Beautiful photos as always! Love the close up of the bird perched on the other birds ear!
