Friday, October 16, 2009

Celebrating the world at my blogstep

While I've been blogging for a little over two years, one year ago today I added Flag Counter to my humble blog. Lo and behold, in 365 days I’ve had (at last count this morning) 25,195 hits from a total of 104 countries!

During that time period I joined the Friday My Town Shoot Out Gang and have met many wonderful bloggers (and, yes, pets too Skipper) from around the world online.

I'd strongly recommend Flag Counter to fellow bloggers as it's a fun way to see where you've been without leaving your chair.


  1. Congratulations Elaine. I'm glad to see so many people were lucky enough to have found your blog!

  2. Wow - that's impressive. I started using Sitemeter and Google Analystics several years ago and I agree, it is interesting to see where people come from and what they are interested in viewing. - Margy
