Saturday, March 21, 2009

nest update (family life of the Cleavers)

I suspect there are eggs in the nest as June spent her first overnight there after a week of intensive construction. The Mourning Dove nesting pattern tends to be that Dad spends from morning to afternooon on the nest, Mom is there the remainder of the time. This first shot was taken last night, the first night on the nest, so it's June.

this second shot was taken this morning so it is probably Ward.


  1. how exciting - my friend has a robin nestinig this year in his garden and he is so excited about it!! :)

  2. We only saw our first robin two days ago. We frequently see morningdoves so they just be nesting nearby, but we've yet to discover exactly where. This is interesting. I will have to visit frequently to see how June and Ward are making out.
