Saturday, January 24, 2009

PHOTOHUNT Saturday - Chipping

Anyone not familiar with the various songs/sounds of the Northern Cardinal, wouldn't realize that one of the Cardinal's sounds is a "chip-chip-chip"-ing sound. Quoting from the website Learn Bird Songs "the common call is a metallic chip, given as a contact call and in situations of alarm"

I photographed this Cardinal near our feeder on a stormy afternoon in December 2007. Most people who look at this photo think it would make a good cover for a Stephen King with a giant menacing bird theme......poor little guy.

For more information about the Cardinal and to see the very distinct differences between the males and females, visit the Cornell Lab of Ornithology website.


  1. Oh what a terrific idea for today! You are right about the sound. And my kids just love that Cornell site. :D

    I did Photo Hunters today, too. I hope you get a chance to visit.

  2. He does seem to be saying "whut 're YOU lookin' at?"
    He's probably just cranky because he has cold feet!

  3. Cardinals are such pretty birds.

  4. Wonderful take on this week's theme. I've never seen a Cardinal but tehn it probably doesn't come to this side of the Atlantic. happy weekend

  5. I see Cardinals in summer but I have rarely seen them in winter... They are so pretty!

    Here is mine:

  6. LOL, cute. I like the face-on perspective. :)

    Cardinals are such beautiful birds.

  7. A unique take on today's theme and the picture is topical though old.

  8. I cant figure out where's the head or tail of the cardinal. I've never seen one b4, being fr the East of course. Is it dead?

  9. Poor, cold little guy! I can surely empathize!

  10. Brrrr... your photo reminds me of my backyard here in Illinois. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and your wonderful comment. I love meeting new people.

  11. I am jealous we dont have anything a beautifull as the cardinal in England

  12. That is an excellent idea for the theme. :) Nice photo!
